Transport For London's campaign addressing drivers while demonstrating change blindness...
In visual perception, change blindness is the phenomenon that occurs when a person viewing a visual scene apparently fails to detect large changes in the scene. For change blindness to occur, the change in the scene typically has to coincide with some visual disruption such as a saccade (eye movement) or a brief obscuration of the observed scene or image. - via Wiki
Another tangentially related theory is Hans Monderman's Shared Space concept - that by removing street signs and mechanical traffic devices people are forced to pay attention to their surrounds...

Shared Space relies on environmental context--in this case, a landscape unlittered by signs--to influence human behavior. "Our behavior in a theatre or a church differs from a pub or in a football stadium as we understand the signs and signals through years of cultural immersion," Monderman told an interviewer in 2006. "Likewise if we see children playing in the street, we are more likely to slow down than if we saw a sign saying 'Danger, Children!'" - via Worldchanging
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