13 April 2010

hello Bike Snob @ NYC's Bike Culture Summit

On May 6th, Transportation Alternatives is hosting a Bike Culture Summit bringing together leading pundits of bicycle culture:
- Eben Weiss (a.k.a. Bike Snob) the popular and elusive blogger, will make a rare public appearance at this event, following publication of his long-awaited book on bike culture in late April

- David Herlihy, author of "Bicycle" and "Lost Cyclist" (forthcoming, May 2010), is the foremost U.S. historian of bicycling

- Caroline Samponaro, Director of Bicycle Advocacy for Transportation Alternatives, is a longtime New York City cyclist and cycling activist, and is a co-founder of the Freewheels Bicycle Defense Fund
They'll debate the critical bike culture controversies: Do cyclists need to rehabilitate their public persona? To what extent should safety trump convenience and style? Will protected bike lanes segregate cyclists? Is Critical Mass a boon or a liability for the bike movement? What can be done about sexism in the cycling community?
Thursday, May 6th / 7pm
NYU's Wasserman Center Auditorium / 133 E. 13th Street, 2nd floor
$15 for T.A. members / $20 for non-members
-- become a member [here]

You can choose a ticket + book option... either David Herlihy's
"Bicycle" or Eben Weiss's "Bike Snob: Systematically and Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling" when reserving your ticket (book covers above) - and pick them up at the event.

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