03 April 2012

redefining age + totally inspiring

photograph by Aaron P. Bernstein for The New York Times
Philippa Raschker age 65
photograph by Aaron P. Bernstein for The New York Times
Jeanne Daprano age 75 

Michael Appleton for The New York Times
Kathy Martin age 60
I loved this article about Kathy Martin and other 'master' athletes from yesterday's NYTimes Sports section. Kathy, who started running as an adult, broke more than a dozen American Running records in her 50's. Jeanne Daprano (top) began entering masters track meets in her late 40s and became the first woman to run a seven-minute mile (6:47.91) in her 70's! Such inspiring stories about strong women -- regardless of age.

On a more personal note, I feel fortunate to having grown up with a wonderful female role model: my mother. She has kept active her entire life, keeping her yoga practice an essential part of each day, and at 69 continues to join hikers half her age to climb the Adirondack Peaks. It is wonderfully refreshing to let go of preconceived notions of 'getting older'!

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