07 March 2012

daylight savings, baby!

Kimberly of the NYC Bike Train commuting home north bound this week
THIS SUNDAY is Daylight Savings!!! (Yeah, have to pitch myself to believe it.) What a delight it will be to start putting dark evening commutes to rest!

In the meantime, I've recently found a network of fellow commuters (#nycbiketrain) who meet up to commute by bike together as far north as Inwood. This has been a great resource to me for the past couple weeks since I've been getting to know my new commute - which spans almost the entire length of the west side - and can't say I've always felt comfortable at night riding along some of the desolate and poorly lit northern portions of the Greenway alone + its been a super nice way to connect with other riders. Plans are in the works to spread the word about the NYC Bike Train... so stay tuned at the Get Biking! Facebook group.
Taken at 6:30PM yesterday looking westward -- can't wait for an even brighter evening skyline next week!

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