07 November 2011

design hearts bikes: Charge Bikes @ The Conran Shop THIS Wednesday in NYC

If your in NYC, join the preview party for Charge Bike's 2012 line of bicycles including their collaboration with Sir Terence Conran...

Wednesday, November 9th
Preview from 10am-6pm
The Conran Shop NYC -- lower level of the lovely ABC Carpet & Home
888 Broadway, between 18th and 19th Street

Charge's Creative Director/Brand Manager, Nick Larsen, who previously worked for Pashley Cycles, had the good design sense to do a collaboration with Sir Terence Conran (yes, Conran of The Conran Shop) on two "simple, practical, low maintenance, and affordable" bikes... the Conran X Charge Bikes Hob and Plug
... 2 bicycles which closely echo Conran's philosophy that good design gives you pleasure and improves the quality of all of our lives through products that work well, are affordable and look beautiful.
With a classic steel frame and 3 speed Sturmey Archer internally hubbed gears the ladies and mens bikes are design classics with an understated yet contemporary style . Fitted with Charge's multi-award winning saddles and with an upright riding position, the bikes are not only comfortable but practical and allow great control and visibility in urban environments. 
While Charge Bikes has been around for a few years (mostly distributed widely in the UK, Japan, Korea, Europe, Australia and New Zealand) they just recently signed up with a major US retailer who will be selling a range of their city, single-speed, mountain, and cyclocross bikes -- so your likely to be seeing much more of them soon!

images via Charge Bikes

Oh, and did you see this great little peice about Sir Terence Conran's extraordinary 60 year career in the NYTimes T Magazine this weekend?!

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