08 October 2011

upcoming Montreal workshop... biking while pregnant/with small children!

spotted parked in Florence (Italia!) last winter
At this point in my life I have lots of friends with small children who are working on figuring out the whole biking with toddlers set-up. If your in the same boat and in Montreal... your in luck!

Saturday October 22nd, 10am-12pm
"Biking while pregnant/Biking with small children"
a FREE workshop/skill-share
hosted by QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, suite 204 (metro Guy-Concordia)

Do you ride a bike?
Are you having, or have you recently had, a baby?
Do you want to keep on riding your bike just the same, despite the disapproving looks or comments you're getting when you say so?
(or you're just not sure what - if anything - you should do differently when you ride.)

This workshop aims to:
-bust myths about the 'dangers' of biking through pregnancy
-share tips about biking safely, comfortably, and confidently throughout
your pregnancy
-discuss the ways to transport your little one(s) with you as you bike
-provide a space for parents & parents-to-be to connect and to chat about
biking with child

co-sponsored by: Right To Move/La voie libre, The People's Potato, Concordia University Student Parents Centre, QPIRG Concordia

Right To Move is a non-profit organization that was started in the spring of 1997 by a group from QPIRG-Concordia who believed bicycles are a form of transportation that should be available to all, regardless of gender, age, wealth or ethnicity. They were an awesome resource for me when I lived in Montreal in the late 90's and I'm so happy they are still going on strong!

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