25 September 2011

scenes from the Brooklyn Bike Jumble

Yesterdays Jumble proved to be fun as always! DARGELOS was there with a nice new bright orange version of their belt/pouch (which I missed out on photographing). Some snap shots from the day...
found it hard to pass on this vintage saddlebag
Taliah Lempert's beautiful silkscreen (love that pattern with bike) / collection for Fishs Eddy / and a selection of her limited edition Japanese textiles
 Cleverhood the new Rhode Island-based outerwear brand was on hand with a waterproof cape prototype - including nice reflective detailing on a woven version above
NYC's very own Flying Pigeon distributor
image via DARGELOS
some other spottings...

until the next Jumble... Spring 2012


  1. I love the photo of the Flying Pigeon! I have one too. I bought it here in Singapore.

  2. Susan Mocarski/CLEVERHOOD26.9.11

    Great photos from the Jumble, you are so kind. You were definitely one of our favorite visitors. look for shots of you modeling on our blog.cleverhood.com/ - thank you, hope to see you again.
