05 August 2011

lady bloggers unite @ Adeline Adeline

Adeline Adeline and Kate Spade New York's one beauty of a collaboration
Last night Adeline Adeline hosted one fun cyclist happy hour/meet up with the urban bicycle lady bloggers Dottie (from Chicago) and Trisha (from Nashville, TN) of Let's Go Ride A Bike - who are visiting our fair city! Such a pleasure to meet them both as well as some fellow NYC bloggers... A Packable Feast, Amandasproject26272829.com, The Bike Writer... fun bonding over how strong our legs get commuting by bike on vintage steal frames! And great seeing you, Julie (of the TheJulieBlog) and DARGELOS! I didn't even take my camera out -- was so busy mingling!

+ thanks to Julie from Adeline Adeline for hosting in her beautiful bicycle boutique!


  1. I should have taken your pic! You looked super cute. Glad I got to see you.

  2. Anonymous6.8.11

    So nice to meet you, Vanessa! :)
