28 July 2011

NYC Bike Girl - from streets to TV - casting call

Back in 2004 Jason Oliver Goodman took to the streets of NYC and photographed women on their bikes - mostly as he found them.  Within a few months he had taken close to 200 portraits that he compiled into a photography project called A Girl's Bike... which was since published by Partners & Spade

I mention this for two reasons, 1.) this is really a lovely collection of photographs and 2.) Jason has partnered up for an upcoming TV series casting "REAL GIRLS—not just actors" which is still in the in the process of casting. Therefore, if your a women in NYC who loves your bike(s) email {girlbikecasting@gmail.com} to get the scoop on dates, times and details. While I'm looking forward to the outcome of this project - it's my honest hope that they pick some awesome women in NYC who are helmet wearers and traffic obey-ers!

Oh, and another (cool yet random) thing about Jason Oliver Goodman... he created that nice animated intro for Mad Men.

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