06 June 2011

via Montreal: Tour la Nuit 2011

Last Friday Montreal held their 13th Tour la Nuit - a 20 km night time ride through the city streets. So cool. And this year's event planned for over 15,000 riders! Friends who live in Montreal shared with me how taking their five year old son, Alexis (yes, that serious & well outfitted little dude above) went...
His bike was attached to my mine (it would have been too dangerous, if he rode alone - plus he's only been on 2 wheels for about a month). Still he peddled with major enthusiasm the entire way! We've never seen him happier! Lot's of people asked us how old he was and thought he was awesome. We got back at 1am and he was still smiling the next morning.
So sweet to watch kids grow up and instantly fall in love with cycling. Congratulations, Alexis!!!

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