15 May 2011

Hiplok's US debut @ Mission Bicycles via London

Minimalism is essential for lots of urban cyclists who stick to bikes without baskets and racks -- but really who doesn't want to carry less, travel light, and streamline. The fantastic SanFran bike shop, Mission Bicycle, held a Bike to Work Fashion Show last Thursday at which they debuted their exclusive US product release of Hiplok: the world’s first bike lock designed to be worn on the body by London-based designers John Abrahams and Benjamin Smith.
Hiplok is the first bicycle lock developed specifically to be worn around the waist.  Hiplok's integrated and fully adjustable belt fixing allows the rider to tighten the lock around the waist without actually locking the device, offering a level of portability, comfort and versatility never seen before. Due to it’s unique design, Hiplok is never locked into a loop while it is attached to your body, and it remains fully adjustable and quickly removable at all times when being worn.

and my favorite colour combo (love that white buckle detail) but comes it lots of options...

Available for US purchase [here] on Mission's site + watch the Hiplok video [here]

Thanks, Jefferson!


  1. That IS a good idea. Draping a Kryptonite chain across your chest is annoying.

    However, I wonder about how secure they are.

  2. Agreed, I've been a 100% Krytonite user for over 10 years. BUT there are bound to be reviews on them soon but in the meantime... here are their security specs(from the Hiplok site):

    Sold Secure Silver Award
    8mm case and through hardened chain
    9mm Anti Cut Alloy steel shackle
    Stainless Steel Lock Body with Brass Lock Collar
