09 April 2011

RIDE THE LANES on PPW -- this Sunday

Come out and join your fellow supporters to celebrate the best thing to happen to Park Slope Brooklyn -- and a great example of how a city street can be shared by all forms of transportation {a.k.a. the Prospect Park West bike lanes} at:

We Ride the Lanes/Prospect Park West
Sunday April 10, 2011

10:30 am  gather at Grand Army Plaza -- where they will be giving away free t-shirts
11:00 am  ride/walk the bike path -- along the entire length of the PPW path) to the Bartel-Pritchard Circle entrance of Prospect Park @ 15th Street

And topping it off -- at the end of the ride there will be free hot dogs from Bark, cupcakes from Blue Sky Bakery and more from Bicycle Habitat and Ride Brooklyn

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