17 September 2010

encountering @ Pulaski Bridge

I treasure the experience of unexpectedly encountering art. While biking over the Pulaski Bridge - which connects Long Island City, Queens to Greenpoint, Brooklyn over Newtown Creek - I couldn't take my eyes off “The Bridge that Binds”. These torsos were stenciled along the bridge's waist high concrete barrier by Joel Voisard were sponsored by the DOT's Urban Art Program. As the city is constantly in a state of change, this piece is only scheduled to be up for 11 months -- which would make October (next month) the last month. I really like how the stencils came to live during the NYC Marathon...

In the same vein, Taschen just released Trespass. A History of Uncommissioned Urban Art documenting this global phenomenon of graffiti and urban art...

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