15 July 2010

for the love of josef frank

Back online + just in time - along with Google - to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Josef Frank's birth! I could not help but share my love of the designer and architect who played such an influential role in defining Swedish modernism. Between the years of 1909 and 1950 he created over 200 patterns using bold colours, impeccable craftsmanship, with nature and organic forms as inspiration making the prints timeless and ever so popular. I also adore his view on interior design... “The Happy Chances Philosophy” which he wrote in 1958...
“There’s nothing wrong with mixing old and new, with combining different furniture styles, colours and patterns. Anything that is in your taste will automatically fuse to form an entire relaxing environment. A home does not need to be planned down to the smallest detail or contrived; it should be an amalgamation of the things that the owner loves and feels at home with."
Svenskt Tenn, the Swedish company that began to produce his designs in 1934 and continues to today, created this behind the scenes video...

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